Event Information

Advertising Your SWFL Event Is Still Free At Event Hobo!

If you, your group or business organizes events, or if you have information about an upcoming event you don't see listed, as long as they will have exhibitors and/or vendors and will be open to the public and will be held in Lee, Collier or Charlotte County, we want to know about it so we can help promote it!  Just fill in the information below, then expect a call to proof the listing.
  If you have a poster or vendor application not on a website, please attach it to an email referenced to this event and send it to eventinfo@eventhobo.com and be sure to mention the event it belongs to in the subject line.

The spaces may look small, but you have all the room you want to respond. Please be complete and provide the following information. 
You can either click into the next form field or tab into it. Please see the suggestions below the fields before filling out your event description info.

If you are a promoter, please fill in as much as possible and we will contact you.

If you are letting us know of an event coming up that we don't have, just fill in what you know. 
Please be sure to give us the name and contact information of the promoter, organization 
or who would know so we can contact them.  Thank your for your help!
Remember, We Only List SWFL Events That Will Have Exhibitors And/Or Vendors

Event Name 


Event Date(s)


Event Times 


Event Location & City 


Physical Event Address 


Admission & Parking Info


Describe The Event
* Please See Below


Event Website Address


 Vendor Application Address 


Your First And Last Name


 Your Position With The Event 


 Your Email Address


 Business Phone (123-456-7890) 


 Cell Phone (123-456-7890) 


*Event Description Suggestion:
When writing your event description, we recommend that you write it first in Word. Describe it so that someone who has never been to your event would know as much about your upcoming event as someone that was already at the last one.  What will be there, who will be there. Will there be food?  Music?  Games for the kids?  Beer?  Other entertainment? Is it indoors or outdoors of both?  Describe the event so the reader will know what there is to do and what to expect.

The idea is that a potential attendee will know if they want to come, if they should bring the kids or their parents, a friend or spouse, and at the same time will let a potential exhibitor or vendor know if it is the kind of event they think they will do well at.  You have all the room you need.  When you are done with your description, just copy/paste it into the space provided for event description. Once I have it up I will contact you to proof everything, and we can make any changes required. 
If you have a poster and/or the event exhibitor info and registration/application, just attach them to a separate email and send it to bob@eventhobo.com .  Just reference the event so I know where it goes, and include your name and phone number so I can contact you if I have any questions.  That's it...simple as can be! 


If you click the submit button and it says something
is missing or you want to correct something, s
imply click the
BACK button on your browser.  It will bring you back to here so
you can make your corrections and re-submit.




Copyright © 2009-2019  Two B Marketing, Inc. / Event Hobo
All rights reserved.
Revised: January 02, 2019